Chicken Foot Talisman
Historically these are used primarily in Hoodoo, Voodoo, Wicca, Juju, and many other paths of Witchcraft. The purpose of the chicken foot is a mighty protection talisman. Since the chicken scratches backwards, the animal is removing a condition. They literally scratch & remove problems thrown at a practiti oner. When others see this, they know you mean business & not to be messed with.
There are a few ways that one can incorporate these into their path along with different types. Many practitioners that make & use these old school wards have very strong beliefs about what is considered traditional. Some people believe that a plain chicken foot that is undressed (not painted, decorated, consecrated, fed, & blessed) is useless & others feel that they are a blank canvas for your needs. However one must know that the dried chicken foot will continue excrete oil over time.
The chicken foot is used as a ward of such to protect you and your belongings. They are traditionally red or black with the nails a different color. 99% of them are decorated with feathers, wrapped around with ribbon or twine. Some have decorative aspects like stones, shells, beads, and bells attached. This is a serious bang of protection! The black ones represent a “passive” protection and the red ones a more “aggressive” protection. One of the most widely used ways to have them are made with two feet crossed together and bound as one unit.
People hang them from their windows, above doors, in their car rear view mirror, and place them on their Altars. They protect from psychic vampires, dark energies, and from mere individuals wanting to cause harm to you. Chicken feet can be incorporated into a cleansing ritual to remove bad juju/hexes & etc from yourself. They should be cleansed and charged on the regular just like your other instruments of Magick. One major step should and traditionally they are fed. The process of “feeding” an item rejuvenates the Spirit and Magick of the item. In Hoodoo, Voodoo, and other ATMs (African Traditional Magick) we feed our items.
To cleanse, charge, and to feed is what separates these paths from regular witchcraft. Many people feed them with a dot of infused magickal oils or with alcohol. Rum, Vodka, or a cursing/protection oils are used. Cleanse them with smoke from herbs or tobacco. Charge them as you would other items, just don’t leave them in direct sun for too long. The way to consecrate them to you are pretty easily attainable.
Say you wanted to protect your love relationship; add a bit of sexual fluid to it or a drop of blood to attach the chicken foot energy to this. Or if using to ward your home place where you feel you need the power the most, place a bit of your spit to the item. Taglocks are your best friend in Magick! Some practitioners use the foot as a curse to lay a “trick” (a spell on another) by placing the foot where their target will find it. This old tradition is usually found in the deep Southern states and in non-caucasian countries. But you do you as I say!
My chicken feet are cleansed, dressed in war water (I make it) and fed with vodka before you purchase them. I color and dress mine in black, red, blue, and green. Others feel that other colors are useless as the only colors they feel should be are in red or black.
Visit my Etsy to purchase at https://etsy.me/34IEBob
