Shadow Work
First an foremost, congratulate yourself for wanting to heal yourself! Get a Tome dedicated for your journey and let’s begin or continue.
The terminology was named by a psychologist, Carl Jung. He was a psychologist in the Early 1900’s. He coined the phrase “Shadow” as traits that we all have that we choose to not be consciously aware of and tend to push into the back of our memories. He stated these repressed feeling, actions, beliefs, and etc.. to be the “Dark Side” if one.
Think of it this way with this analogy: Our conscious self is the physical aspect, and our shadow that we cast when we are in a lighted area is our “Shadow”; the part of us that is not in the physical but still attached to us. When we go into shadow work we are actually doing a psychological work on and for ourself. We expose the “negative” parts of self and come to terms with the; Who, What, Why, Where, and When these not pleasant aspects of self originated.
It is the process of acceptance and healing. Please don’t feel as though that this roller coaster ride with last a few weeks, months, or even a year. Part of the human soul experience is to constantly evolve and ascend up the ladder of consciousness. This is considered escaping the 3D and going onto the 5D experience of mental awakening.
Many times as we change and adapt to our existence we will come around to doing shadow work time and time again. I personally feel that one should always self check themselves and their awareness on a continual basis. The goal is to change your “3 most valuable parts of our thinking: Perception, Perspective, and Discernment”. It’s the pealing away the Ego to allow Spirit to drive one to better life and personal emotions and experiences.
Most of the time we are introduced to our Shadow when we address our Trauma, Urges, Dreams, and thoughts that we keep hidden from others and sometimes from ourself. However one may enter the path with a desire to change, or it may happen without notice or warning. It may happen we analyze our words or actions.
Get a journal (Tome) and consecrate, dedicate it, and prepare the Tome for your journey. Write down lists of thoughts that you feel negatively about yourself and life in general. Write about past memories that you have tried to overcome due to traumatic experiences. List your dreams if you want, many of them are hidden parts of our shadow anyway. It’s the hidden window into your soul.
Don’t allow yourself to be a gatekeeper to yourself. Gatekeeping is defined basically telling yourself or others telling you, your thoughts, or your actions that are wrong and not valid. This happens a lot in the Pagan and Witchcraft community, along in the non-magickal life day to day. Remember you are special, you are valid, you matter, and you affect many without even realizing it day to day.
Start your journey of introspection on one side of the journal; I would suggest the left side for your thoughts/beliefs. Then use the right side for delving deep into the reasons why, and how to mold them into something constructive for embracing your shadow. At times it may become “too heavy” for a single person to do on their own. It is perfectly fine to seek out professional assistance if you feel that you need to do so.
Always remember these things:
You are a beautiful soul
You are worthy
You are valid to the community
What happened to you doesn’t define you
You can change
You are a strong being of a soul
Life gives us challenges to teach us
Be proud of yourself
Tell yourself positive vibes (affirmations) as much as you need.
I would like to close out this by telling you that I am proud of you for wanting to grow and break the generational patterns. You can do this! I’m proud of you!