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Mabon Sabbat

Mabon Sabbat

According to Welsh Folklore, Mabon- meaning “Great Son” was the Son of the Earth Mother Goddess Modron and a member of King Arthur’s war party.  Legends indicate that Mabon was kidnapped a few days after his birth ; then he was held captive in a dungeon until he was rescued by King Arthur and his men, forming a life-long bond between the Monarch and the Deity. Mabon is said to be a great hunter and was honored by the Welsh as The Sun God, representing vitality, love, sex, and youth.

Mabon is the Second Harvest Festival of the Pagan Wheel of the Year, falling between The Festival of Grain, Lammas (also called Lughnasadh), which celebrates the beginning of the harvest; between Samhain, celebrated by many as (Halloween) which marks the harvest’s end.  Falling in the middle of the season and landing on an Equinox, Mabon means balance for us.

Mabon is when Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, leaves her mother to depart towards her husband Hades in the Underworld. Demeter was grief stricken and ordered the Nature to grow cold & lifeless, thus giving us Winter.

To celebrate:

  • Reflect upon your year thus far, be proud of all you have harvested in your life

  • Create a Sabbat Altar

  • Incorporate the associated correspondences of Mabon into your cooking and decorating this month prior to the actual date of September 22 (Northern Hemisphere)

  • Make a large meal to celebrate with your family; after all it’s the Witches Thanksgiving

  • Meditate to find your balance within (It’s the Fall Equinox), then journal in a Tome

  • Show gratitude to your grocers, farmers by telling them, or sending a thank you note for your food

  • Go to wherever you want to “pick” apples with your family

  • Make crafts together or solitarily

  • Do divination, as when we have Equinoxes the liminal doorway is very thin on the veil

  • Rest up for the Winter season to approach us soon

  • Clean & purge items from your life that doesn’t spark joy or you don’t need- Donate it/them

  • Bake bread for you and your family- make another to share with your neighbor

  • Give offerings to Mother Nature (Gaia), the Elements, animals, and others- Be sure they are safe- outside at your Altar there, or offering spot

  • Play music from Welsh traditions throughout your home this month, or sounds of nature

  • Go for a walk, forage- but don’t be greedy (give offering from which you take- ask permission first)

  • Visit or speak to your ancestors, dead or living- bring something to them

  • Plant spring bulbs in pots or in your garden - can do a mini one for your Altar

  • Honor the Dark Gods & Goddesses now- we have approached the dark half of the year now

  • Make corn dolls from corn husks; decorate them

  • Make a Besom from natures gifts outdoors

Correspondences of Mabon

Colors: Brown, Gold, Red, Yellow, Orange, and Green

Fruits: Apples, Pumpkins, Gourds, pears, rose hips, elderberries (use your syrup bottle or vitamins- to keep everyone safe), melons

Vegetables: carrots, red & orange bell peppers

Herbs, Spices, seeds: Acorns, Dill, Rue, Sage, Mistletoe, nuts, garlic, cinnamon

Incense: Pine, Sage, Cinnamon, Frankincense

Stones: Clear Quartz, Amber, Pyrite, Brown topaz

Grains: Corn, Wheat, Straw,

Flowers: Sunflower, Rosemary, Chamomile, Passionflower, Rose

Astrology signs: Libra, and Virgo

Decor: Cornucopia, dried corn bound together, small gourds & pumpkins, candles in the colors of the Sabbat, colorful leaves that have fallen, Grapevine wreath or vine to decorate, pine cones

Animals: Stag (male deer), turkey, chicken,

Trees: Oak, Hawthorne, Pine

Drinks: Cider, Red wines, Mead


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