Circle Casting
A magickal circle is cast for protection of the witch doing their magickal workings. It makes a high sacred energy area where most beings can not enter or attach themselves to you. We must see the circle in a 3D or 5D visual; as the circle not only goes around horizontal, but vertical, and cross ways as an X to make a solid sphere.
A word of wisdom here... please please don’t use salt outdoors, it affects the ecosystem in a not favorable way and kills the area of Earth that the salt lays.
Common items to use
A rope or twine
Candles placed in a circular pattern
Pine cones
Dried eggshells crushed
Prior to creating one decide upon the area where you would like to work; outdoors or inside both have cons & pros to it. Clean up the area needed physically, then spiritually cleanse the internal circle area.
Gather All items needed and other items you may need and put inside the circle. Place each item or the rope in your hands and enchant them for protection. (Hold and speak your intent to it & envision it glowing) Now place each item down in a circular pattern walking clockwise. If doing baneful workings can walk anti-clockwise & place the items.
Once the circle is made and you are within you may say words verbally or mentally about that the circle is complete and whole. Now based on your magickal path you may call the Watchers of the Watchtowers to come and stand at their respective Elemental areas. Call them in a clockwise pattern. North, South, East, and West have different beings associated with the Elements and your Ideals of a Watcher. May it be elementals, Angels, Demons, and or your Deities. Always ask respectfully and thank whomever you choose.
Now place a representation of each Element in the point of the pentagram to make your pentacle with you in the center. Some choose to use colored candles, spell bottles, or natural items associated with that element. Example: Air a feather, Earth a handful of dirt, Water a glass of water, Fire a book of matches, Spirit your guardians & self. Spirit is North or within & without. Earth is North or lower left corner. Air is the East or middle right. Water is the West or middle left. Fire is South or lower right corner. Walk your circle and sprinkle charged water or chant a blessing.
Do you working(s),incantations, or meditations and then thank all beings called forth to join or protect you. Release them anti clockwise as you called them forth clockwise (benevolent workings “helpful”) or vise versa for malevolent “offensive work”.
If you do need to exit your circle before you finish, carve a door in the circle on a side with your hand, wand, athame, or sword. Shut it behind you- do what you need to do and enter by repeating.
Clean up your area, and leave it cleaner than you found it. And journal everything that happened.
Some people don’t make circles, use them for certain workings, or the grow out of them in general.
Happy Circle Casting!!