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Beginner Witch

Updated: Aug 27, 2020

Beginning Witch 101

Gather two books, notebooks and a pen or pencil of your choice.

Cleanse them by sitting them in the sunlight to banish any & all previous energy

Consecrate them by holding them in your hands and send a breath over them and saying something. “ I ___ (your name) dedicate ___ (item) for my path of witchcraft & magick.”

Write the date started in both, your name, and label one Grimoire and other Book of Illusions. (My way)

* book of illusions: a thinking pad, note taking, pre work

* enter in info that you are pleased with from book of illusion into the grimoire

May dab a drop of blood to the book cover in the front & back to seal and join the books to you.

Write a warning or curse to whoever reads it without your permission (your choice)

Only use that pen or pencil for your practice!

Start studying, reading, researching everything you can find!

Next post soon!

I’m proud of You!


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